Consignment Auctions

Thank you for considering Diamond Auctions to consign your horse. To ensure a successful consignment process, please follow the guidelines below:

  1. DESCRIPTION: Provide a detailed description of your horse, highlighting its best qualities, temperament, and training. Include information about achievements, history, pedigree, as well as any vices, scars, soundness issues, or unique habits. Accurate descriptions ensure buyer satisfaction and represent your horse truthfully.
  2. PHOTOS: Quality photos are essential. Submit high-resolution images showcasing your horse’s appearance and talents. Required photos include side profiles without saddle and action riding shots. Additional recommended photos include side profiles with saddle, front and rear views, and extra action riding shots.
  1. VIDEOS: A quality sale video helps attract buyers. Show the horse moving at all speeds, under saddle if applicable, and include footage of feet picking, saddling, and additional riding activities. Upload your video to YouTube and provide the link when submitting your consignment.
  2. COGGINS, HEALTH CERTIFICATES, AND REGISTRATION: Ensure your horse has a current negative coggins. Health certificates may be required for out-of-state transportation (buyer’s responsibility). For registered horses, ensure paperwork is transferred and in order for the buyer.
  3. COMMISSION AND LISTING FEES: Diamond Auctions charges a $150 listing fee per horse for custom advertising. Upon sale, a 10% commission is deducted, with no additional fees. Payment is sent to the consignor once cleared, typically within 1-4 days.

PAYMENT: Buyers must submit payment within 48 hours. Once cleared, payment is sent directly to the consignor.

READY TO CONSIGN? Submit your horse now through our consignment form on the website or email. Thank you for choosing Diamond Auctions for your consignment needs.